Table of Contents

Our Mission
Because we believe great music can elevate the human spirit, the purpose of the Guild is to foster, promote, and facilitate the operation of the Utah Symphony Orchestra financially, socially, and educatonally.
It is our honor to maintain a gift shop throughout the year which raises funds for our orchestra. We have added all our available items to the “online store” and all proceeds go to USUO. We will continue adding events as social distancing requirements allow to aid in rasing funds for our great orchestra.
We will sponsor the Youth Guild and outreach violin lessons again this season, and we appreciate your ongoing support of these important community programs.
To join or renew your membership in the guild you may go to our web page and fill out the new members information.
Carolyn Abravanel
Eva-Maria Adolphi
Wendy Ajax
Fran & Tom Akimoto
Georgia L. Anderson
Reva Anderson
Margaret Anderson Wirth
Linda Babcock
Brenda Bailey
William Scot Barraclough & Tom D. Camomile
Dominic Barsi
Randy & Jeni Bathemess
Jean E. Barton
Charmaine Bauer
Suzanne & Clisto Beaty
Maxine Beckstead
Karol Behling
Janet Bennett
Heather Benson
Eve Bertran-Hales & Don Hales
Joan Blanck
Rose Marie Breinholt
Chip & Anne Browne
Nancy Browning & Michael Homer
Mary Ellen B. Caine
Akemi Call
Gertrud Carpenter
Mary A. Carter
Renee Christensen
Cecile Christiansen
Lynne Church
Dianne Clark
Doyle Clayburn
Melou Cline
Beth & Boyle Cole
Kathleen Coon
Peggy Cordon
Marcia Cowley-Ke
Janet Cox
Tom Cox
Carolyn Creek-McCallister
Susan L. Croft
Wendy & John Crossman
Kathryn C. Culbertson
Robert & Caprene Curtis
William and Bonnie Daniloff
Frances Darger
Marlene Dazley
Joyce De Forest & Robert Duke De Forest
Laura Diaz Moore
Nancy Dietzler
Amy Dixon
Carol Elliott
Judy Emery
Jennifer Fairbourn
Rosemary Fairbourn
Reece Fawcett
Thierry & Catherine Fischer
Carolyn Fredin
Patricee Annee Gallagher
Patricia A. Giovanazzo
Marian & Sidney Green
Simon Gretsch
SandyLee & David Griswold
Janet Hales
Kathleen Hall
Laurie Hallam
Gerry Hanni
Shirley M. Hanson
Carolee Harmon
Nancy Hayes
Janet Healy
Kristin Hill
Sally W. Hodel
Kathie & Chuck Horman
Rebecca & Stephen Howard
Leigh Hutchison
Isabella Iasella
Mateusz Jagiello
Darlene Jenkins
Carl Johansen
Scott Johnson & Rebecca McGarry
Beverly C. Johnson
Arlene Jonsson
Charlotte Jordan
Ingrid Kaufman
Cynthia Kilian
Mary Lynn Kinsel
Kathy Knowlton
Allison Knudson
Martin Krueger
Kari Landro
Angela Laros
Lona Mae Lauritzen
Nancy Laursen
Liz Le Fevre
Nora Linscott
Wilma S. Livsey
Donna Lyon
Susan MacIan
Carole & Malcolm MacLeod
Jennifer & Gideon Malherbe
Heidrun I. Mandy
Rebecca Marriott-Champion
Tonya Marshall
Janice Maughan
Maybell McCann
Camilla McLaughlin
Melissa Robison
Ann Mentes
Julia & Anna Meredith
Henriette Mohebbizadeh
Heather Moore
Karen Morgan
Jill Moriearty
Sabra Moyes
Renate Baron Nebeker
Kent & Denise Nelson
Bradley & Laurissa Neuenschwander
Sylvia Newton
Christine Nickerson
Jean Nielsen
Carol Nixon
Patti Noel
Wilma Odell
Delmira & Gary Pactoulick
Catherine Paiz
Judy Parmelee
Barbara Patrick
Helen Petersen
Ann Petersen
Leslie Peterson & Kevin Higgins
Marilyn Phillips
Mrs. Jane O. Piercey
Mary-Margaret Pingree
Janis Pope
Marilyn Poulsen
Sherry Poulson
Jeana Quigley
Carol & Gunter Radinger
Hildegard Rayner
Joanne Rich
Marilyn Poulsen
Gina Rieke
Della V. Roberts and Warren Gilmour
Lynn Rohland
Alene M. Russon
Martha Sammond
Margaret Sargent
Amanda & Jonathan Schmieder
Glenda Shrader
Nan Sibbett
Joyce Skidmore Wilson
Dorotha Smart
Michele Smith
Dianne R. Smith
Rita Smith
Donna & Ron Smith
Joan J. Smith
Janette P. Sonnenberg
Carol L. Sonntag
Elise Stanley
Sandra Steiner Marsh
Robert Stephenson & Lisa Byrnes
Ramona Sterling
Jennifer Stroud
Lorraine & Walter Stuecken
Joann Svikhart
Cayman L. Thomas
Deborah Tuttle
Shirley Van Wagenen
Beth V. Cole and Dr. B. Cole
Jenette L. Voss
Susan Walles
Robert & Tilda Wangerien
Miriam H. Waterman
Paul & Cynthia Watson
Suzanne Weaver
Heather Weinstock
Susan & Brent Westergard
Bonnie White
Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Williams
Connie & Glenn Wimer
Jerre Winder
Pamela Wing
Nicole Woodland
Ethnie Wright & Hunter Gundersen
Betty & Frank Yanowitz
Red York
Dwan Young